Tuesday, December 22, 2015

New types of Magic Hoses - 2015

There are several this year (2015). I collected at Autumn Canton Fair one Expandable Hose catalog which shows some new types including those seemingly having different structure of the patented X-Hose.

1) Normal or Conventional expandable hose (X-Hose patented type)

2) Film expandable hose - seems using three tubes not two tubes like X-Hose

3) Durable expandable hose - seems using three tubes like the above Film expandable hose.

4) Snake expandable hose - looks like a suction hose - quite different structure and mechanism from X-Hose. I once considered this and check possibility with some suppliers in China but gave it up as they were concerned more about the negative pressure not extension.

5) Elastic expandable hose - looks like <Uber-Hose> and <G-Hose (Taiwan)> - distinctively different structure and mechanism from X-Hose.

6) Intermittent expandable hose - I do not understand the feature of this hose.


Hoses 4) and 5) have quite different structures from X-Hose and may not infringe the X-hose patents.

For more information please contact

Asnet Dynamic Hoses - a division of 
Asnet Components Ltd
Hong Kong (Wanchai Office / Sales)

23/F , On Hong Commercial Building,
145 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3578-5372
Fax: (852) 3582-3310

E-mail: sales-1@asnetcomp.com
