Monday, August 10, 2015

A hose expanding - diametrically or circumferentially ?

When you apply a certain water pressure to a hose, especially a rubber hose with no sleeve, by closing one end it expands noticeably radially or bulges and if you continue to increase the pressure the hose may burst. This is a elastic hose or cylinder nature.

How do you see this expansion -   diametrically or circumferentially ?

Diameter is 2 x radius (2r) and circumference is 2πr (π is constant 3.14....). But 1) when you see it diametrically it seems that the inside pressure pushes the wall outward diametrically at every small point on and in the wall while 2) when you see it circumferentially the inside pressure pulls (or some people say, pushes) the wall (the circumference) tangentially or the material is pulled (pushed) along the circumference at every small point on and in the circumference. These two seem quite different. And fewer people take 2) view as circumferentially expanding. Intuitively we see the wall expanding outward, diametrically.

1) Thin walled

Wiki 's <Cylinder Stress> (25th July, 2015)

Relation to internal pressure
Thin-walled assumption
For the thin-walled assumption to be valid the vessel must have a wall thickness of no more than about one-tenth (often cited as one twentieth) of its radius. This allows for treating the wall as a surface, and subsequently using the Young–Laplace equation for estimating the hoop stress created by an internal pressure on a thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel:

 \sigma_\theta = \dfrac{Pr}{t} \ (for a cylinder)
  • P is the internal pressure
  • t is the wall thickness
  • r is the mean radius of the cylinder.
  •  \sigma_\theta \! is the hoop stress.
When the vessel has closed ends the internal pressure acts on them to develop a force along the axis of the cylinder. This is known as the axial stress and is usually less than the hoop stress.
 \sigma_z = \dfrac{F}{A} = \dfrac{Pd^2}{(d+2t)^2 - d^2} \
Though this may be approximated to
 \sigma_z = \dfrac{Pr}{2t} \
Also in this situation a radial stress  \sigma_r \ is developed and may be estimated in thin walled cylinders as:
 \sigma_r = \dfrac{-P}{2} \
The equation is much simpler than those of thick walled cylinder we have checked in the previous posts, especially the last one σr - radial stress. Only P (pressure) appears, no radius (r) no thickness (t). And the value is < - > (minus), which does not mean negative but shows the opposite direction to P.

It may sound strange but we could say <Diametrical Stress (σD) = - P >.

σθ  = 2σz  >> σr as < r / t> is a large value more than 20 or 40 times.

σθ  >>> σr

When we talk about the expansion of a hose (under the condition of increased or increasing internal pressure). Not a static state in equilibrium. Expansion is deformation - change of the shape. The change of the shape is due to the strain. The strain relates with stress. Stress relates with applied force. In the above wiki article σθ is hoop (circumferential) stress while stress σr is a radial stress and σz is a axial stress. While strain is shown by ɛ. Therefore there must be three strains.

ɛθ  -  hoop (circumferential) strain
ɛr  -  radial strain
ɛz  -  axial strain

The relations between σθ, σr, σz and ɛθ, ɛr, ɛz are anti-intuitive, especially in case of cylinder (or hose).


<Modified by me with full responsibility>

ε1 = σ1 /E   -   υσ2 /E    -    υσ3 /E
ε2 = σ2 /E   -   υσ1 /E    -    υσ3 /E
ε3 = σ3 /E   -   υσ1 /E    -    υσ2 /E

σθ, σr, σz and ɛθ, ɛr, ɛz are supposed to be mutually perpendicular so these relation can apply.

ɛθ = 1/E (σθ - υσz - υσr)
ɛz = 1/E (σz - υσθ - υσr)
ɛr = 1/E (σr - υσθ - υσz)

Since σr is very small as compared with σθ and σz  
 \sigma_\theta = \dfrac{Pr}{t} \ (for a cylinder)
and σz  
 \sigma_z = \dfrac{Pr}{2t} \

as the ration < r / t > is more than 20 or 40. We neglect σr. Then 

ɛθ = 1/E (σθ - υσz)
ɛz = 1/E (σz - υσθ)
ɛr = 1/E (- υσθ - υσz)

If we use σθ  = 2σz 

ɛθ = 1/E (2σz - υσz ) = (σz/E) (2 - υ)
ɛz = 1/E (σz - υ2σz)  =  (σz /E) (1 - υ2
ɛr = 1/E (-υ2σz - υσz) = (σz/E)(-3υ)


ɛθ = 1/E (σθ  - υσθ / 2 ) = (σθ /2E) (2 - υ)
ɛz = 1/E (σθ / 2  - υσθ) = (σθ /2E) (1 - 2υ)
ɛr = 1/E ( - υσθ - υσθ / 2) = (σθ /2E) (-3υ)

As far as the ratios between ɛθ, ɛr, ɛz are concerned,  (stress is simply a ratio and does not have a unit) we can use

ɛθ' = 2 - υ
ɛz' = 1 - 2υ
ɛr' = - 3υ

Simple arithmetic leads

ɛθ'  -  2ɛz'  = 2 - υ - 2(1 - 2υ) = 3υ = - ɛr' 
ɛθ'  -  2ɛz' +  ɛr' = (2 - υ) - 2(1 - 2υ) + (- 3υ) = 2 - 2 - υ + 4υ - 3υ = 0
ɛθ'  +   ɛr'  =   2ɛz'

2ɛθ'  ɛz'  = 2(2 - υ) - (1 - 2υ) =  3
ɛθ'  ɛz'  - ɛr'  = (2 - υ) + (1 - 2υ) - (- 3υ) = 3
2ɛθ'  ɛz'  = ɛθ'  ɛz'  - ɛr' 
ɛθ'  +   ɛr'  =   2ɛz'

This means

Tangential strain + Radial strain equals to the twice large as Axial strain.

But as Radial strain is supposed to be very small,

ɛθ'  =   2ɛz'


ɛθ =   2ɛz

which reminds us of the relation between Tangential stress (σθ) and Axial stress (σz).

σθ  = 2σz

Seems reasonable. But is this true ?

No! This is wrong. At least <Radial strain is supposed to be very small> is wrong.

Radial stress σr is small but Radial strain ɛr is not as compared with Tangential strain ɛθ and Axial strain ɛz.

As the ratios
ɛθ' = 2 - υ
ɛz' = 1 - 2υ
ɛr' = - 3υ

and υ is Poisson ratio, again ratio, ranging 0 - 0.5. If we make υ as 0, 0.1, 0.25 (this is simple average) and 0.5.

υ set as 0
ɛθ' = 2 - υ = 2
ɛz' = 1 - 2υ =1
ɛr' = - 3υ = 0

υ set as 0.10
ɛθ' = 2 - υ = 2 - 0.1 = 1.9
ɛz' = 1 - 2υ = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8
ɛr' = - 3υ = - 0.3

υ set as 0.25
ɛθ' = 2 - υ = 2 - 0.25 = 1.75
ɛz' = 1 - 2υ = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5
ɛr' = - 3υ = - 0.75

υ set as 0.5 
ɛθ' = 2 - υ = 2 - 0.5 = 1.5
ɛz' = 1 - 2υ = 1 - 1 = 0
ɛr' = - 3υ = -1.5 

The relationships are very interesting. 

Poisson Ratios of common materials are as follow:

From wiki: Poisson ratio (20-Aug-2015)

Material Poisson's ratio
rubber 0.4999 [4]
gold 0.42–0.44
saturated clay 0.40–0.49
magnesium 0.252-0.289
titanium 0.265-0.34
copper 0.33
aluminium-alloy 0.32
clay 0.30–0.45
stainless steel 0.30–0.31
steel 0.27–0.30
cast iron 0.21–0.26
sand 0.20–0.45
concrete 0.20
glass 0.18–0.3
foam 0.10–0.50
cork ~ 0.00

Most common materials are more than 0.2.

At least <Radial strain is supposed to be very small> is wrong. The ratio ɛr to σθ, and σz increases as Poisson Ratio increases. The same thing, the ratio ɛθ, and ɛz to ɛr decreases as PR (Poisson Ratio) increases. Especially

at PR = 0 (like cork) ɛθ = 2ɛz and ɛr = 0
at PR = 0.5 (like rubber) ɛz is zero and ɛθ = -ɛr or ɛθ + ɛr = 0.

Our concern is a Magic Hose - the inside tube is rubber which PR is almost 0.5 and its axial extension, which relates ɛz. Apparently a Magic Hose expands radially or tangentially or cicumferentially due to ɛθ, and ɛr. Meanwhile the axial extension of a Magic Hose is not due to ɛz.

What does ɛθ = -ɛr or ɛθ + ɛr = 0 mean?


Now we think about ɛr of a thick wall cylinder.


<Modified by me with full responsibility>


(where  ɛt = ɛθ)

At the outer radius of the small section area (r + 𝛿r) the radius will increase to (u + δu). 
The resulting radial strain as 𝛿r -> 0 is

Please note that δr -> 0 means the taking the limit of 𝛿r, which means the generalization of ɛr.
This means that the resulting radial strain (ɛr) is the rate change of the radius increase with respect to the original (unstrained) radius while the resulting tangential strain (ɛt or ɛθ) is a simply a ratio of the radius increase (u) to the original radius (r). Therefore the radial strain ɛr may be large as compared with the small value of the radial stress σr. The bigger the change ratio (the radius increase with respect to the original radius ) the bigger the radial strain ɛr


I have found one simple relation, which seems against the above argument or the relations.

Based on: Strength of Materials and Structures, Chapter 9 Thick Cylinders and Shells

Diametrical strain or ɛD is

           Change in Diameter (ΔD)
ɛD =   -----------------------------
           Original Diameter (D)

Change in Circumference 
-----------------------------  =  Circumferential Strain (can be called)
Original  Circumference

Circumferential Strain (can be called as ɛc

Circumferential Strain = ɛt (or ɛθ or Hoop stress ɛH)  x  πD 


New Circumference  =  πD + πDɛt  =  πD (1 + ɛt)

Meanwhile again this, πD (1 + ɛt) is < π  x D (1 + ɛt)>

which is the circumference of a circle of the diameter D (1 + ɛt). Then

Change of the Diameter is  Dɛt.

Diametrical strain or ɛD is (as above) 
           Change in Diameter (ΔD)     ---->  Dɛt
ɛD =   -----------------------------
           Original Diameter (D)

Then ɛɛt

Simple and seems correct. But what is "Diametrical Strain " ?

           Change in Diameter (ΔD)
ɛD =   -----------------------------
           Original Diameter (D)

If there is Diametrical strain, it is caused by Diametrical stress. Diametrical stress is supposed to be against Diametrical pressure (Internal pressure, and Outer pressure being zero). Diametrical pressure seems <2 x Radial pressure (but equal and opposite directions)>. Though opposite because of the cylinder nature the magnitude is <x2>, not <+ - = 0>.

Diametrical strain is suppose to be a imaginary strain, strain reflected on a mirror, not real strain. You can see it by eyes (the diameter becomes larger) but you cannot feel it by the palm(s) your hand(s). This is a result of increase of Tangential strain. 

So you cannot add Diametrical strain to Tangential strain and make it double. The wall of cylinder stretches tangentially by Tangential strain. And because of the cylinder nature this happens everywhere on and in the wall. The wall of cylinder can stretch tangentially only by extending radially, which makes the diameter larger. We can change the verb <to stretch> to <to compress> due to the cylinder nature.


Radius Strain (if exist)

Diameter = 2 x Radius. Therefore <Diametrical Strain = 2 x  Radial Strain>. 

But this is a simple arithmetic. A simple arithmetic based on intuition is quite often not correct. And strain is theoretically linearly but curiously caused by stress, and stress is again linearly but somewhat curiously caused by force.

Then what is "Radius (not Radial) Strain " ?

                    Change in Radius (ΔR)
ɛRadius =   -----------------------------
                    Original Radius (R)

Circumferential Strain (can be called as ɛc

Circumferential Strain = ɛt (or ɛθ or Hoop stress ɛH)  x  2πr (r = radius)


New Circumference  =  2πr + 2πrɛt  =  2πr (1 + ɛt)

Meanwhile again this, 2πr (1 + ɛt) is < π  x 2r (1 + ɛt)>

which is the circumference of a circle of the radius r (1 + ɛt). Then

Change of the radius is  rɛt.

Radius strain or ɛRadius is (as above) 
                    Change in Diameter (Δr)     ---->  rɛt
ɛRadius =   -----------------------------
                     Original Diameter (r)

Then ɛRadius  ɛt  = ɛ

However, we have Radial Strain, ɛr.

The ratios of Radial Strain (ɛr) to the Tangential (Circumferential) Strain (ɛt, ɛθ , ɛc) changes with Poisson Ratio (υ) as we have seen above. And Radial Strain (ɛr) becomes equal to Tangential Strain (ɛt) only when υ = 0.5. When υ is less than 0.5 ɛr is small than ɛt.

Radial Strain (ɛr) is defined as 

not simply

Increase of radius
--------------------    = ɛRadius
Original radius

which brings the same ratio as Tangential strain ɛt as the Diametrical strain ɛD as Dia = 2r
So Radial strain (ɛr) is a different strain from Radius strain (ɛRadius). So if Poisson Ratio (υ) is zero

ɛθ = 1/E (σθ - υσz - υσr)
ɛz = 1/E (σz - υσθ - υσr)
ɛr = 1/E (σr - υσθ - υσz)


ɛθ = σθ/E  = Pr / tE
ɛz = σz/E  = Pr / 2tE
ɛr = σr /E = - P/ 2E

Then the relation between ɛθ, ɛr, ɛz become same as those of σθ, σr, σz.
 ɛθ = 2ɛz 

ɛr relates only with Pressure and E (Young modulus, unit same as Pressure) which is usually very large.

σ = Eɛ  or  E = σ / ɛ

Young module of common materials are as follow:


Units & Values

Young's modulus is equal to elastic stress/strain. Strain has no units to the units are the same as stress: N/m2, or Pascals (1 Pa = 1N/m2 ; 1 GPa = 1000 N/mm2

We must recall

and understand the meaning of this.

Diametrical strain and Radius strain seem superficial and Tangential (or Circumferential) strain seems to be real. 

Asnet Dynamic Hoses - a division of 
Asnet Components Ltd
Hong Kong (Wanchai Office / Sales)

23/F , On Hong Commercial Building,
145 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3578-5372
Fax: (852) 3582-3310


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